
Letters to the Editor: William Barr said ‘history is written by the winners.’ Let’s start writing

President Trump and Atty. Gen. William Barr, right, at the White House on May 22, 2019.
President Trump and Atty. Gen. William Barr at the White House on May 22, 2019.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: As a lawyer and former federal prosecutor, columnist Harry Litman is well versed in the norms governing the practices of the Justice Department and the oath sworn by outgoing Atty. Gen. William Barr when he was allowed to begin practicing law. (“There’s no getting around Barr’s dishonorable record in service to Trump. But he did draw a line,” Opinion, Dec. 15)

I’m disappointed that Litman didn’t weigh in on whether Barr should be disbarred for the many transgressions he documents. So, I say we should let Barr prescribe the particulars of his own historical legacy.

In May, when he responded to CBS reporter Catherine Herridge’s question about the historical perspective on his dismissal of all charges against former national security advisor Michael Flynn, Barr responded, “Well, history is written by the winners, so it largely depends on who’s writing the history.”


Let the writing begin.

Michael W. Keefe, Los Angeles


To the editor: Barr forsook retirement to serve as attorney general, replacing Jeff Sessions. President Trump’s depravity was aglow as he badgered and bullied Sessions, transforming the former Alabama senator and beleaguered attorney general into a piñata.

Barr attempted the impossible, a feat as implausible as Spud Webb guarding LeBron James: He sought to appease Trump while maintaining a semblance of integrity. Good luck with that.

Now, after his resignation as attorney general, Barr’s whitewashed bones are stashed in the West Wing catacombs — a perpetual reminder that no one can wade into the toxic waste field that Trump created without getting burned.


Barr’s debacle demonstrates that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, but the instant he gained power, he was lobotomized.

Marc D. Greenwood, Camp Hill, Ala.


To the editor: The Times seems to have forgotten the last presidential administration.

You conveniently forgot that Eric H. Holder Jr., President Obama’s first attorney general, described himself as the “president’s wingman.”

Barry F. Chaitin, Newport Beach
