
Letters to the Editor: Save your Thanksgiving dinner until we’re vaccinated

Gloved hands holding two big frozen turkeys in a cardboard box
A worker prepares turkeys at the city of Inglewood’s annual turkey giveaway at SoFi Stadium on Monday.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: COVID-19 and politics have made this a tough time to be alive. I’m celebrating Thanksgiving with a close friend who has been very careful about staying healthy. (“Thanksgiving 2020: Alone again, unnaturally,” editorial, Nov. 22)

I usually share the holidays with my family in Santa Barbara, but this year I proposed postponing Thanksgiving dinner until after we have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and it is safe to gather. It won’t make up for the turmoil of 2020, but it can help guide us toward the path to normal.

I’m looking forward to two great family dinners and a healthier world in 2021. Please, be patient and follow recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We can get past this.


Dean Blau, Lake Balboa


To the editor: As you sit down to celebrate Thanksgiving, please raise a glass in remembrance of the 260,000 people who will not have the opportunity to do so today and their families due to the utter incompetence of President Trump.

Leslie Howard, Marina del Rey


To the editor: Healing the soul of America cannot be left to one president or administration. It will require the ongoing good faith and actions of many Americans of all parties and faiths, all ages and races.

It will require making the repairing and healing of relationships, where strained, a priority.


We don’t have to wait until Jan. 20, 2021. We can begin now, on Thanksgiving Day, by naming and giving thanks for the blessings we share. Among them are those inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When we find ourselves saying thank you for these and other common blessings, we will soon realize that we are less divided than we think or are told.

John Saville, Corona
