
Letters to the Editor: Anonymous election workers are the defenders of our democracy

 Election workers validate ballots in Georgia on Friday.
Workers validate ballots at the Gwinnett County Elections Office in Lawrenceville, Ga., on Friday.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: As we watched the results come very slowly this election, I thought of Benjamin Franklin’s statement when asked what form of government we would have as the Constitution was being drafted. He said, “A republic, if you can keep it.” (“What America should learn from this harrowing election,” Opinion, Nov. 6)

At times I have been worried, but watching the coverage on TV and reading it in the L.A. Times and other media, I have confidence that we can keep it. The officials and workers at all election sites that I have seen are doing the job that they committed to do.

We owe these people our tremendous gratitude for doing this work even with so many agitators screaming at them. They are persisting in their roles as the preservationists of our laws, and they’re doing it methodically, without heroics or drama.


We are so lucky to have all these people working to preserve our way of life. We owe our future to all these anonymous people.

Leslie Forester Tillmann, Rancho Mirage


To the editor: With the election in rearview, perhaps now we will see that the problem isn’t our politicians, for they are a reflection of us. Politics is a false religion. Salvation via ballot box is fleeting.

The prevailing preference seems to be the perpetuation of conflict for conflict’s sake. Grown adults have replaced their brain stem with partisan antennae that broadcast talking points straight from their mouth.


Real “political engagement” is not cranking out flame-throwing tweets or smashing up City Hall, but rather civic engagement in our communities. In short, it requires actual time and investment.

The number one way to shape up the state of our union is not through a stimulus bill, but to spend one hour less per week on our phones and use that time to volunteer in our communities.

Americans need to get a hobby other than politics.

Robert Ensign III, Santa Barbara


To the editor: The opinion piece on voter suppression missed the elephant in the room, which is voting on a Tuesday.


Holding elections on a day that is inconvenient for the general population is the first thing that should be changed. Mail-in voting solves this problem but will not be enacted in states where those in power want to suppress voting.

A weekend election is the obvious solution and has been adopted elsewhere.

Parrish Nelson Hirasaki, Culver City


To the editor: I agree that this election should call us loudly to renew our dedication to voting rights and counting all votes.

It also tells us that Americans (again) have demonstrated trust in divided government. Since Americans also like to see things accomplished, it adds up to working together.

President-elect Joe Biden is the perfect person for the moment.

Scott Hamre, Cherry Valley, Calif.


To the editor: Let’s celebrate that both sides have stepped up in force with their votes to demand that the politicians stop analyzing them and throwing canned appeals at them, but rather, listen to them and empower their voices in the democratic process.

The Democrats, for example, might understand many Latinos’ fear of socialism and their desire not to be infantilized by paternalistic legislation. The Republicans can see the widespread feelings of disempowerment and lack of inclusion in the worlds of business and government.

Here is a great opportunity to increase bottom-up and collaborative government. That is the path to repairing a lack of trust that is at the heart of our polarized nation.


Roger Schwarz, Los Angeles
