
Letters to the Editor: Does Trump really think Amy Coney Barrett will help him with women voters?

President Trump and Amy Coney Barrett stand outside the White House.
President Trump and Amy Coney Barrett stand outside the White House after she took the constitutional oath to become a Supreme Court justice.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: As much as President Trump needs to increase his support among female voters, he can do better than insult various women. Why not tout how he lately showed that he favors use of affirmative action precepts to hire women?

After all, when Trump announced that he would ramrod the appointment of a new U. S. Supreme Court justice, he said that he would consider only female nominees. This arbitrary exclusion of male nominees was issued by a president known to oppose affirmative action that favors minorities.

What moral courage! Trump willingly exposed himself to accusations of rank hypocrisy to fill the high court’s vacancy with a woman.


What more could American women want? Oh, wait — perhaps they would prefer a president inclined to appoint justices who respect a woman’s right to choose.

Devra Mindell, Santa Monica
