
The NBA did what the White House could not: Prevent a COVID-19 outbreak

A fan in a Kobe Bryant jersey waves a Lakers flag in downtown Los Angeles after the team won the NBA championship Oct. 11
A Lakers fan in downtown Los Angeles celebrates the team winning the NBA Finals on Oct. 11.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: I am not a Lakers fan and have no interest in basketball. Knowing this, my brother felt obliged, saving me from possible embarrassment, to tell me the name of the team playing against the Lakers. Congratulations to the Lakers for winning the NBA championship against the Miami Heat.

However, I want to take note of the remarkable achievement of the National Basketball Assn., the players and all the staff members, who managed to do what the White House could not: successfully manage their enterprise in a pandemic, creating a bubble in Florida in which the rules were determined by consultation with scientists and health professionals and strictly enforced with public accountability.

The NBA also took a stand against racial injustice. Players expressed their opinions while also maintaining their professional poise and incredible athletic skill, refuting the call to “just shut up and dribble.” Players are citizens too, and their prominent voices added to the resounding call for justice in this land.


I’m proud of them, and the NBA should be congratulated for a job well done. This comes from a man who didn’t watch a single second of the playoffs.

Sidney Morrison, Los Angeles


To the editor: I certainly understand the excitement of the Lakers’ NBA championship, and who wouldn’t want to honor the legendary Kobe Bryant?

So with everyone being on the same side, and with everyone in a celebratory mood, why did it have to end up this way? Is throwing bottles at police officers, setting a Metro bus on fire, ransacking a Starbucks, spraying the area with graffiti and committing other acts of vandalism the way to celebrate? Is this the way to make Bryant proud?


It’s very sad when adults cannot control themselves to enjoy the Lakers’ big win, respect our city and celebrate lawfully and responsibly.

Jeri Karp, Woodland Hills
