
Letters to the Editor: ‘If the L.A. Times supports it, I’m voting against it’ is shallow thinking

Shown is the Los Angeles Times building on Imperial Highway in El Segundo.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: The print headline for the Mailbag piece on your endorsements, “How not to vote?,” appropriately described the attitude of some readers.

These readers were ecstatic to see The Times’ recommendations so they could vote just the opposite. Forget about analyzing the arguments, weighing the positives and negatives or doing additional research. Nope: If The Times is for it, then I’m against it.

This is unfortunately where we are in this country, especially with President Trump’s supporters and what’s left of the Republican Party, which come to think of it, are one and the same. We can only hope there are enough of us who actually do our due diligence and vote intelligently come Nov. 3.


Carl Falletta, Yorba Linda


To the editor: I appreciate the input of The Times Editorial Board regarding voting. I understand that the information given is a recommendation to inform our thinking rather than material dictating how we should vote.

Reading the editorial pages along with articles elsewhere in the paper provides stimuli to our considerations about wise voting choices.

However, we voters still have to use our powers of thinking and reasoning to come to informed conclusions about how to mark our ballots. Simply voting the opposite of what The Times recommends circumvents this process and devalues the right so many people have fought for over many years.


Karen Scott Browdy, Fillmore


To the editor: Thank you for being honest and publishing more than one complaint about the L.A. Times’ left-wing journalism.

This is the first time in years that I have said, “Good for you.”

Peter Rosenthal, La Cañada-Flintridge

To the editor: Saturday’s Mailbag caught my attention. Like most informed readers, I don’t always agree with The Times Editorial Board’s election endorsements.

To print strongly written letters condemning the board’s selections was very telling to me. It demonstrated how The Times is, first and foremost, trying to ensure that everyone’s opinion is openly shared, even when that opinion is contrary to the board’s recommendations.


Congratulations. Keep up the evenhandedness.

Joel Miller, Torrance
