
Letters to the Editor: Democrats will hand Trump four more years if they don’t strongly condemn rioting

Joe Biden
Joe Biden speaks about the protests and violence in Kenosha, Wis., at a campaign event in Pennsylvania on Monday.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: I am a lifelong Democrat who fears what will happen to this country if President Trump wins another four years in the White House. His campaign of fear resonates not only with his base, but also with many undecided voters. (“Biden hits Trump on urban unrest: ‘Fires are burning and we have a president who fans the flames,’” Aug. 31)

Many of these undecided voters are buying into Trump’s charges that former Vice President Joe Biden and the Democrats are not coming out strongly enough against the riots taking place all over the country, and those voters are correct.

For the record:

9:07 a.m. Sept. 3, 2020A Sept. 3 letter to the editor correctly noted that after President Trump said he contacted the pastor for Jacob Blake’s family, Blake’s father said the family did not have a pastor. However, the letter did not mention that the family’s lawyers later said that the president reached out to the pastor of Blake’s mother.

It’s not enough for Biden to just say he is against rioting and looting. The Democrats need to make a strong statement that all violent protesters should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


They need to start a very strong offense right now. Time is running out.

Bob Bergman, Newbury Park


To the editor: I think it is time for us to stop thinking of ourselves as liberals, conservatives, Democrats, Republicans or whatever else we call ourselves. It just leads to name-calling, fighting and hatred.

How about calling ourselves “human beings” with strengths and weaknesses? How about recognizing that we all have dreams, hopes for our future and a shared need to survive on our fragile planet? Is it too late?

Can we learn to see behind the rhetoric? The assumptions? The claims? The denials? I hope so.


Diana Wolff, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: During the recent unrest, when businesses were looted and burned, Trump offered to send federal law enforcement officers into those areas to help stop the unrest.

How is that Trump “fans the flames, rather than fighting the flames,” as Biden said? It seems to me that Trump is doing just the opposite. He is offering a solution to squelch the flames.

Gregory Sirbu, Redondo Beach


To the editor: Trump said he would not talk to the family of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., because they wanted lawyers present. Well, good for the Blake family.


I wonder if the president might wonder why the family wanted lawyers present. The answer to that question might be because anything the president would say to the Blake family would be among the thousands of lies and misrepresentations he has uttered in his nearly four years as president.

Further, is anyone on the planet surprised that after the president said he had talked to the Blake family pastor, Blake’s father said on CNN that the family does not have a pastor? Can you hear the lie counter clicking in the background?

Glenn A. Goodwin, Claremont


To the editor: So Trump is essentially saying that none of this street violence would have happened if Trump was the president?

Dan Schechter, Los Alamitos
