
Letters to the Editor: Slain journalist Ruben Salazar’s legacy extends far beyond L.A.

To the editor: The article on slain Los Angeles Times journalist Ruben Salazar, who was killed by police in East Los Angeles in 1970 while covering a protest, noted he was honored with a postage stamp and a display in the Globe Lobby of the old L.A. Times building.

I would like to add another instance of recognition to his legacy. In 1979, the library building at Sonoma State University was named in his honor.

Salazar had connections to the area — he was a reporter for the local newspaper in Santa Rosa, the Press Democrat, from 1956-57. When Sonoma State built a new library in 2002, the building was renamed Salazar Hall.


It should be noted that Salazar’s legacy extends far and wide and his importance to journalism reaches beyond the Los Angeles region.

Lois Ann Goossen, Signal Hill
