
Letters to the Editor: People who insist on going to church should quarantine themselves

Worshipers offer prayer requests from their cars in Santa Ana
MaryAnn Lawson collects prayer requests from people gathering in their cars in a Santa Ana parking lot to worship in an Easter service by the Rev. Robert A. Schuller on April 12, 2020.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Churches have been responsible for some of the most serious COVID-19 infection clusters. (“Orange County deems in-person church ‘essential,’ says rules too restrictive for megachurches,” May 26)

Since a person’s freedom of religion ends at the tip of my nose, I suggest that all churches that violate social distancing rules be required to submit names of their attendees for tracing and testing by county health authorities at the very least, and preferably for 14-day quarantines.

People who want to attend church don’t have the right to put me at risk. They also put at risk all of the progress that we have made in the last 10 weeks of lockdown, very possibly making necessary the resumption of restrictions.


Roberta Fox, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Churches are open to their congregants and visitors. Religious services continue, classes continue, counseling continues, lectures continue, and members are still able to socialize.

Only access to buildings is restricted. The Bible does not reference church buildings. There is nothing sacred about a building, but life is sacred.

The ministers defying health orders are not looking out for their congregants but their own interests. They have a business model that requires constant physical and social presence.


Darrell Neft, Costa Mesa
