
Letters to the Editor: Not all local leaders can be trusted to reopen responsibly. Look at Orange County

Huntington Beach protest
Demonstrators hold signs up during a protest calling on Gov. Gavin Newsom to ease coronavirus restrictions in Huntington Beach on May 1.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Normally I agree with columnist George Skelton, but as a resident of Orange County, I wholeheartedly disagree that Gov. Gavin Newsom is right to begin deferring to local leaders in determining when to reopen.

Maybe he is not aware that the members of the Orange County Board of Supervisors have made it quite evident that money is more important than the health and well-being of their constituents. Unfortunately, Newsom has become more like them by caving in to unmasked belligerent crowds of protesters demanding the opening of our beaches.

Shame on all of them. They will be responsible for the increase in deaths that will undoubtedly occur because of their reckless rush to reopen.


Maryanne Rose, Laguna Niguel


To the editor: While I would enjoy dining out again, I’m still apprehensive about entering a restaurant, so I’ll wait a while longer before I go.

However, I have no desire to hit the malls and retail stores as I did pre-pandemic. I like seeing the extra dollars in my checking account and realize that the saved money gives me more satisfaction than a new pair of shoes, another designer handbag or an item of clothing, all of which I have in abundance.

I’m realizing that if people had saved more and spent less during the economic boom, their thriftiness could have better carried them through the bad times we’re experiencing. This is a lesson we all need to learn for the uncertain future.


Molly Shore, Burbank
