
Opinion: Joe who? Biden’s the likely nominee, but readers are oddly quiet about him

Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to reporters at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia on March 10.
(Associated Press)

President Trump isn’t very popular among our letter writers, but have you heard what many of our readers are saying about Joe Biden?

Neither have I, and it’s my job to read everything, even the unpublished letters.

Trump’s poorly received performance during the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t exactly translated into overwhelming support by our readers for his presumptive Democratic opponent in the November election. Instead, what we’ve received this week about the former vice president has been a smattering of letters on the Tara Reade sexual assault allegation, a few criticisms of his quiet campaign and some quick takes on Trump’s “Obamagate” obsession.

This isn’t to say the letters are indicative of a campaign that is going unwatched by voters, but having edited the letters page during the 2012 and 2016 elections, I can say that such a dimmed focus by our readers on a major political party’s likely nominee is, shall I say, unusual.


Jeffrey Whitefield of Santa Ana, who writes frequently from a right-of-center viewpoint, doesn’t understand Biden’s appeal:

I have watched Biden the last few months. Does he inspire others through his leadership? The answer obviously is no.

So why will he almost certainly be nominated for president by the Democratic Party? He’s not at the top of his game, he’s prone to making verbal mistakes, and he does not have a coherent message. I can’t imagine him leading our country.


Jonathan Lewis of Wrightwood, Calif., doesn’t like the former vice president’s way of selecting his No. 2:

The “veepstakes” have hit a new low, with Biden holding what appear to be public auditions with the various women candidates that have thrown their hats into the ring. He’s using these highly qualified and accomplished public servants as if they were contestants on “The Bachelor,” showing the audience that he is the catch they should compete for, vying to accompany him to the White House.

His appointment of Chris Dodd to the selection committee, a former senator from Connecticut with a reputation of questionable behavior toward women, serves only to highlight Biden’s cluelessness and hubris.


This V.P. choice may very well become the first woman president of this country. Treat her with the respect she deserves now and not just as a colorful lure to catch as many votes as possible. Please leave the reality show circus to Trump.

Roger Carasso of Santa Fe, N.M., weighs in on “Obamagate”:

Let me get this right: Trump is accusing Joe Biden, when he was vice president, of helping to nail a confessed criminal, former national security advisor Michael Flynn. Trump called Biden a “big unmasker.”

If true, Biden should be complimented. But instead, pleading guilty to lying to the FBI makes Flynn, in Trump’s eyes, a maligned hero. Trump’s henchman, Atty. Gen. William Barr, wants Flynn to go free and unpunished.

What else can be expected from an administration headed by someone who has lied 18,000 times since he took office?
