
Letters to the Editor: The Democratic Party’s #MeToo hypocrisy on Joe Biden is stunning

Joe Biden
Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign rally in Detroit on March 9.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: The Democratic Party’s public support for the #MeToo movement needs to be applauded and examined. Like most women, I have been glad that Democratic Party leaders have been vocal. I welcomed the investigation into allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, even though nothing came of it. (“Tara Reade’s allegation that Joe Biden assaulted her demands an independent investigation,” editorial, April 30)

The party’s hypocrisy, however, is once again showing. If Democrats can so loudly proclaim that justice must be done for Kavanaugh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford and even passionately insist that victims cannot be dismissed, they must apply the same scrutiny to former Vice President Joe Biden.

The Democratic Party should not expect the millions of voters who did not support Biden — and who want change and, of course, for President Trump to be defeated — to support such hypocrisy. People might vote for Biden as the lesser of two evils, but how dare the Democrats expect me and millions others to be concerned more about their party’s power than the issues that really matter?


Janet Conner, Ventura


To the editor: I do not agree at all that Biden should request any sort of investigation for something that allegedly occurred in the 1990s. He can answer questions and move on, just like Trump.

Any independent investigation would be pointless and provide no clarity on the situation. When would the investigation end? Just in time for the election?

No thanks.

Sandra Carter, Long Beach


To the editor: What a stunning example of the left’s double standards. Kavanaugh was denied due process and deemed guilty by the public. Remember “all women must be believed”?


Perhaps The Times should get a comment from Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) and find out if she feels Biden should “just shut up and step up,” as she said to men after the Kavanaugh allegation.

Apparently the #MeToo movement only matters when it doesn’t affect Democrats.

Rick Kern, Incline Village, Nev.


To the editor: Biden’s accuser Tara Reade graphically describes a sexual assault allegedly involving Biden during his Senate career, something that Biden firmly denies.

So now what? The American people, especially those desperate for a change in the White House in 2021, deserve to know the truth about this awful allegation.


Let’s demand that both Reade and Biden submit themselves to a lie-detector test, independently administered by a neutral expert. And let’s do it now before the issue engulfs the Biden campaign and the Trump campaign runs with it.

Saif Hussain, Woodland Hills
