Letters to the Editor: Yes, Bernie Sanders has lost — but he must remain vocal

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To the editor: Far from trying to “force his priorities on the party,” Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks for the progressive majority of Democratic activists and a solid majority of the American public who support policies addressing the interests of working people over the corporations. He must remain vocal. (“Biden won. He needs to quit letting Sanders pull him leftward,” Opinion, March 16)
Yes, it must be said that Bernie lost his shot at the nomination on his own failings. And, it’s time to support former Vice President Joe Biden as the intelligent and decent public servant we need for healing the wounded soul of the nation.
But Biden and the Democratic National Committee’s corporatist (not moderate) establishment cannot unify the party by ignoring the ideas offered by Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren. A Biden-Warren ticket and administration is the best answer to columnist Jonah Goldberg’s premature triumphalism.
J.B. Phillips, Camarillo
To the editor: Sen. Sanders, it’s over. You put up a good fight, but now it’s time to throw in the towel and put all of your efforts toward electing Biden.
Just announce that you are pulling out of the race so primary election voters do not have to worry about showing up at the polls during this terrible COVID-19 pandemic.
Do the right thing. Let’s increase the probability of nominating the candidate who has the greatest chance of beating President Trump.
Thank you, Sen. Sanders.
Joan Flack, Palm Springs
To the editor: What happens when Goldberg’s advice and Democratic Party centrist ideology come into conflict with the laws of physics? Think of a powerful locomotive barreling down the tracks at 120 mph (laws of physics) crashing into a child’s tricycle (centrist ideology) at a railroad crossing.
The climate crisis will not compromise with Biden’s centrism.
In contrast, Sanders’ Green New Deal is the only program to adequately address the scale of the climate crisis, which is going to make the current coronavirus outbreak look like a trial run.
A vote for Biden is a vote for planetary suicide just as surely as is a vote for Trump, albeit at a slightly slower rate.
David Klein, Northridge
To the editor: For Goldberg to claim that Sanders’ strident positions on healthcare, immigration, economic equality, trade and the environment constitute a “single issue” is akin to saying that the goals and guarantees as written in our Constitution’s preamble make up only a single issue.
It is not unlikely that for his consequential role in shaping political discourse, Sanders’ role in history may eclipse Biden’s, no matter who wins the presidency.
Spencer Le Gate, Sacramento
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