
Letters to the Editor: Yes, it’s sexist to complain about Elizabeth Warren’s ‘tone’

To the editor: How wonderful it is to be an American male journalist — you never have to say you are sorry. (“Has gender bias helped Bernie Sanders outperform Elizabeth Warren with voters? Seems like it,” column, March 5)

You can address the gender bias in candidate reporting, and mention that it is “unfortunate” that the media do not focus on policy positions. You can defend the attention paid to male candidates, and list women last. You can even suggest that the daughter of Sen. Elizabeth Warren supporter Jennifer Siebel Newsom needs a “Madame President” T-shirt, as if that would solve a problem.

Unfortunately, it is ingrained in our society that women are inferior, and women actually believe it. I was speaking to a friend of mine who said she objected to Warren’s “tone.” We have a president who has increased the national debt to historic levels, we have massive inequality, and she complains about tone!


It is a hopeless situation. And, with a Supreme Court poised to destroy women’s reproductive freedom, it’s heartbreaking.

Kathy Harlan, Bakersfield


To the editor: Another difference between Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders is that he sticks to the issues, while she savagely attacks an opponent’s character. It is incredibly off-putting and, obviously, it backfired.

I don’t even like it when Uncle Joe starts yelling.

Marcia Del Mar, Santa Monica


To the editor: Measuring gender bias in elections is difficult, but the primary results in Vermont provide some insight. Vermont is the home state of Sanders, and in 2016 and 2020, there were no real efforts by the other candidates to win there.


In 2016 against Hillary Clinton, Sanders got about 86% of the vote. In 2020 against a male opponent, Sanders got 51%, Warren almost 13% (about the same as Clinton) and former Vice President Joe Biden 22%.

This difference is not totally because of sexism in voting, but it provides evidence that it does exist.

Keith Price, Los Angeles
