
Letters to the Editor: John Bolton, call a news conference and tell us what you know

Then-national security advisor John Bolton before giving an interview at the White House on March 5, 2019.
(Jacquelyn Martin / Associated Press)

To the editor: I have found very little with which to agree in former national security advisor John Bolton’s assessment of world events and his recommendations for U.S. foreign policy. Yet I always felt he was proceeding based on strongly held beliefs about what was best for the country rather than personal gain. (“The Senate has to hear from John Bolton before voting on Trump’s impeachment,” editorial, Jan. 28)

So I appeal to his patriotism to stand up and be heard.

Bolton should not wait for a subpoena. Instead, he should give a news conference with a complete summary about what he knows. The public needs firsthand information about the Ukrainian “drug deal” as well as the president’s cozy relationships with strongmen.

Bolton would still sell many books, plus he would have the respect and gratitude of the American people.


Joel Jaffe, Beverly Hills


To the editor: In the face of overwhelming evidence, how do Senate Republicans sleep at night if they oppose the mere act of allowing witnesses, which would bring us closer to the truth and a just resolution?

Hearing witnesses doesn’t predetermine an outcome, but it does express a sincerity of purpose and integrity.

I always believed nobody, Republican or Democrat, had cornered the market on integrity. Now’s the time for Republican senators to show what they are really made of, and to teach me whether my assumption is correct.


Eric Searcy, Los Angeles


To the editor: Imagine the headline: “John Bolton saves the world.”

Of all the people to save us from President Trump, Bolton is probably the least likely. Have you ever heard a Democrat say a kind word about Bolton?

Let me be the first: John Bolton, you just may turn out to be my hero.

Bob Klein, Culver City


To the editor: Trump’s impeachment has taught me one important lesson: Truth has no place in political discourse.

While the prosecution works hard at digging up facts and witnesses, the defense wants no part of it. He did what he did; so what? That is Trump’s defense.


Senate Republicans should be salivating at the opportunity to call a few witnesses. It’s a win-win. They will appear to really care about the oath they took to be impartial jurors, and they still get to vote against removing Trump no matter where the facts lead.

This political theater gets two thumbs down from me, but who cares? Certainly the Republicans in the Senate do not.

Bob Bascelli, Seaford, N.Y.
