
Letters to the Editor: Playing up the Elizabeth Warren-Bernie Sanders feud? Thanks, media

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders speak as Tom Steyer looks on after the Democratic presidential primary debate in Des Moines, Iowa, on Jan. 14.
(Scott Olson / Getty Images)

To the editor: Tuesday night, six Democratic presidential candidates discussed a multitude of very relevant issues, some even life-or-death, including the climate change crisis that is breathing down our necks right now. And yet, the L.A. Times chose to use the solitary, insignificant non-issue of the supposed feud between Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for the focus of its front-page report.

This is exactly the kind of thing that got us in the disastrous mess we’re in now. Instead of reporting on real-life issues that voters need to care and know about, the focus is drawn to the superfluous attention grabber.

This is what gets someone like Donald Trump in the White House. If we’d stuck to issues of substance in 2016, I believe the whole world would be better off.


Diane Weiss, Los Angeles


To the editor: Warren brought up Sanders’ alleged remark questioning whether a woman can be elected president as a Hail Mary pass because she knows from the polls she’s losing the allegiance of the progressive community, and Sanders is winning it.

I don’t know exactly what Sanders said to Warren a year and a half ago, but there have been three major-party U.S. presidential tickets with women on them, and all have lost. Pointing that out is not sexist.

In the clash between Warren and Sanders, the only winner is President Trump.

Mark Gabrish Conlan, San Diego
