
Opinion: The left can gloat all it wants, but Trump has already won the most important fight

Supreme Court Justice Judge Neil Gorsuch speaks as President Trump looks on during a ceremony at the White House on April 10.
Supreme Court Justice Judge Neil Gorsuch speaks as President Trump looks on during a ceremony at the White House on April 10.
(Eric Thayer / Getty Images)

To the editor: I voted for Hillary Clinton for one reason and one reason only: the Supreme Court. I had no illusions that she would be able to get anything else through a gridlocked Congress. (“Trump at the 100-day mark: Stable support but few achievements,” April 26)

I remember candidate Donald Trump, when talking to voters, saying because of the Supreme Court you have to vote for me, and I understood that message. If he’s able to accomplish nothing else, getting Justice Neil Gorsuch onto the court makes his presidency a success.

That should be President Trump’s message, but that would be honest, so don’t expect to hear it.


Ron Garber, Duarte


To the editor: I have grown accustomed to your newspaper’s liberal bias, but have you lost all sense of objectivity?

I am a conservative who believes in Trump’s stated goals. I won’t provide the laundry list of GOP achievement talking points, but they are relatively important.

To the point of your headline on Trump scrambling for a win, relatively speaking, the appointment of Gorsuch to the Supreme Court will prove to be a lasting victory. I suggest your contempt for the man and his style continue to influence your ability to report about him fairly.


Craig Campbell, Laguna Niguel


To the editor: A year ago the GOP chided President Obama for “legislating by executive order.”

Now in just three months, Trump has signed more executive orders than any previous president for the same period since Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the GOP is strangely silent on this form of “legislating.”

Sol Taylor, Studio City

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