
Opinion: Trump’s Cuba policy is bad for business, great for the island’s environment

President Trump speaks about Cuba policy on June 16 in Miami. The president announced changes to Obama-era Cuba policy.
President Trump speaks about Cuba policy on June 16 in Miami. The president announced changes to Obama-era Cuba policy.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)

To the editor: President Trump’s decision to once again bar American tourists from traveling to Cuba and ban business transactions with firms connected to Cuba’s military and security services is bad news for entrepreneurial Cubans and U.S. businesses — but it is good news for the environment in Cuba. (“Trump just reopened the Cold War with Cuba. His excuse was completely disingenuous,” editorial, June 16)

Under the presidencies of Fidel Castro and then his brother Raul, nearly one-quarter of the land in Cuba has been placed under some form of environmental protection. As a consequence, Cuba has the healthiest reefs in the Caribbean and amazing endemic wildlife. A visit to Cuba offers spectacular birding and botanical experiences through organizations with permits from the Cuban government.

I cannot wait to visit Baracoa and the Alejandro de Humboldt National Park in February. I want to experience them before Chinese businesses inevitably step in to drain coastal wetlands and build big resorts. Government protections for the environment seem to melt away in the face of potentially big financial gains.


Frances Klein, Los Feliz

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