
Opinion: The GOP healthcare bill is intensely cruel. Why is anyone surprised?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell smiles after announcing the release of the Republicans' healthcare bill on June 22.
(J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press)

To the editor: Did anyone doubt what kind of healthcare President Trump and the Republicans in Congress were going to offer? (“Senate passage of healthcare bill uncertain after new analysis finds millions more would be uninsured,” June 26)

The bill is in trouble because Senate Republicans see what passing a bill projected to increase the number of uninsured in the U.S. by 22 million people over 10 years will do to their majority. The House Republicans passed their similarly bad healthcare bill because many of them are in safe, gerrymandered districts.

I hope the Senate bill passes so the people who elected these Republicans will learn a lesson. This country should have known what it was getting voting for Trump and the Republicans.


Nato Flores, Los Angeles


To the editor: We have now seen the disastrous proposals the Republicans have put forth and also the abomination that the Democrats in Sacramento have laid before us. The only logical conclusion is that a group of people who first and foremost panders to the desires of the most extreme partisan elements cannot be trusted with the task of correcting the problems in our healthcare system.

We need people who have worked in and understand healthcare delivery, financing and education, and who realize that the needs of our population must take primacy over political expediency, to draft a proposal to be submitted to Congress and the public for debate.

If this is done right, the proposal will have bipartisan support, some opposition and the weight of its merit to be adopted.


Richard F. Corlin, MD, Santa Monica

The writer is a past president of the American Medical Assn.


To the editor: Like nearly all of the critics who review the Republican attempt to modify Obamacare, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) has a litany of reasons why it’s bad. (“Kamala Harris: I can help you understand Trumpcare, but I can’t defeat it alone,” Opinion, June 23)

Just once I’d appreciate hearing from someone who has any practical ideas on how to fix Obamacare. From any party. Back in the day that was called “positive thinking” or “contributing to the solution” or “finding common ground.”

In Washington, it is now “my way or the highway,” and Harris’ op-ed article is a case in point. After wrapping herself in the flag and then talking about a 9-year-old boy fighting leukemia, Harris offers nothing to help.


Max Bosetti, Temecula

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