
Letters: Expat tax issues

Re “Waiving the U.S. flag,” Oct. 14

The article on American expatriates renouncing their citizenship because of U.S. tax laws hit home.

My daughter was born in the U.S., as were her parents and grandparents. She now lives in Canada. To comply with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, and to complete her federal Form 1040, she had to spend hundreds on assistance. In the end, she owed no taxes.

My daughter is not a corporate executive or a professional athlete. She is an instructor (not a professor) at a university. She recently gave birth to our granddaughter, who is entitled to U.S. citizenship. She has declined to file the paperwork because she does not want to subject her to the draconian FATCA.


David E. Ross
Oak Park

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