
Letters: What belongs in Ballona

Re “A bad fit for Ballona Wetlands,” Editorial, Sept. 20

I also want the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve to be restored correctly. When I heard about the Annenberg Foundation’s inclusion of a pet adoption center on a section of the wetlands under consideration for an interpretive facility, my first thought was, “Why?”; but I soon thought “Why not?” after thinking about the alternatives.

The pet adoption center is certainly not the worst idea, especially in the eastern edge of the project, which can never be restored to a proper wetlands without removing or diverting a stretch of Lincoln Boulevard.

The project clearly needs the Annenberg Foundation’s money, and I would not want to see this issue turn into a deal-breaker. So unless the state can find another donor willing to fork over $50 million, I say, “Arf-arf!”


Mark Johnson

Marina del Rey

Thank you for articulating why a proposed animal adoption and care facility would be a bad fit for the Ballona Wetlands project.

Given the pet overpopulation and irresponsible conduct of some locals, I recognize that domestic adoption facilities are desperately needed in all communities. And yet, like The Times, I think this worthy effort would be misplaced in this particular context.

This wetlands project will be a local, county and state treasure and has taken too long to come to fruition to damage its chances of success. Let us hope that compromise will prevail and another venue can be found for this valuable adoption center.


Elaine Livesey-Fassel

Los Angeles


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