
Letters: What would Jesus think of the Chrystal Cathedral?

Re “Age-old rituals, TV-age church,” Column One, Sept. 13

The Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy has chosen to spend millions ($57.5 million on the purchase alone) to convert the former Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove to the Christ Cathedral. It’s logic: The church needs a place that helps Catholics “see their faith is larger,” according to Diocese of Orange Bishop Kevin Vann.

This echoes former L.A. Archbishop Roger M. Mahony’s fundraising to build his downtown legacy edifice, saying that a magnificent structure is needed to properly experience God. I say baloney.

God dwells as much in the humble wooden church of the poorest neighborhood as any ornate cathedral. In fact, God is more likely to be found in the humble parish spending precious resources on helping the poor.


Can you imagine Jesus in a place like Christ Cathedral?

Sue Roediger


Re “Donors irked by removal of church stones,” Sept. 15

The removal of 1,800 memorial steppingstones set in concrete as part of the renovation of the former Crystal Cathedral by the Diocese of Orange serves no aesthetic or religious purpose. It is an insult and is disrespectful to the memories of the deceased whose names were inscribed on those stones.

To atone for this, the Diocese of Orange should replace each stone and hold a suitable ecumenical memorial service to mark the completion of the restoration.

Mel Frohman

Los Angeles

Maybe, in the true ecumenical spirit, the Catholic Church should do more for the good people who bought the religious steppingstones at the former Crystal Cathedral. With all the money being spent on renovation, it seems like there would be an area on all that land where they could find a place to replace the Walk of Faith.


Where in the world, if people could actually afford to have the 100-pound stones shipped, would they put them? Let us open our hearts to all faiths.

Marybeth Bangert

Santa Ana


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