
Letters: Don’t obscure this Hollywood icon

Developers of a high-rise project near the Capitol Records Tower in Hollywood face questions over seismic safety.
(Reed Saxon / Associated Press)

Re “Tower foes sue city, developer,” Aug. 29

Several times a week I drive through the Cahuenga Pass toward Hollywood. Twice a week I take the shuttle bus to the Hollywood Bowl, and as we approach the 101 offramp at Cahuenga, I point out the Capitol Records building to fellow riders and ask them to envision it being dwarfed by two massive buildings surrounding it. They shake their heads.

For most of my life, the Capitol Records building and the Hollywood sign have been icons for this area. As a musician, I plied my craft in the studios of that building. Besides compromising perhaps the best echo chamber in the world, the two skyscrapers that make up the planned Millennium Hollywood project would block the view of the entire town.

Arnie Moore

Sherman Oaks


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