
Readers React: Debating the death of a Palestinian assailant in the West Bank

To the editor: I see the argument supporting the apparent cold-blooded killing of a wounded Palestinian who had stabbed an Israeli soldier as analogous to the myriad excuses given by American police officers who shoot unarmed people with impunity. (“In Israel, many now find justification for the videotaped killing of a Palestinian,” March 31)

The entire world knows about the U.S. and the wanton killing of our citizens by our police. I am sure the world also sees this incident of the Israeli soldier shooting the Palestinian man while he was lying on the ground following in the same footsteps.

This reckless behavior can only undermine any moral influence in the eyes of others.

Lillian Laskin, Los Angeles


To the editor: One wonders how some “holier-than-thou” individuals would react to two assailants stabbing one of their friends, an attack in which one assailant is killed while the other lies wounded. And now that it’s been discovered that the wounded one might have had a suicide belt, one has to ask whether some of those people might have shot the wounded assailant in self-defense.


Oh, how easy it is to condemn the Israeli shooter trying to protect himself, with threats constantly around him and with one of his comrades wounded.

The Israeli soldier did nothing wrong, but, unlike in other Middle East countries, there is freedom to express differing opinions. And that shows the vibrancy and democracy that exist in Israel.

Jack Salem, Los Angeles

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