Karin Klein and Jon Healey

Your turn: Pick a more controversial new employer for Villaraigosa

Lose cred now. Ask him how.

Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is going to work for Herbalife, the much-maligned company that pitches dietary supplements to people eager to be as trim as, well, the former mayor. It also happens to be fighting allegations that the company’s multi-level marketing plan is actually a pyramid scheme.

We’re almost speechless. Almost.

Herbalife’s less-than-sterling reputation is an odd thing for a erstwhile top city official to associate his name with, especially if he has any remaining political ambitions, as Villaraigosa certainly had at some point.

In fact, we on The Times’ editorial board have been trying to think of an even more problematic brand name for a famous once-and-possibly-future politician to have on his resume, and frankly, we’re having trouble thinking of any.


So we decided to open the list making to our readers. What might be a dicier career move for Villaraigosa?


No longer swearing by cursive writing

School dress codes: Miniskirt madness


Harvard students are relatively honest. That’s sad.
