Debra A. Klein

Op-Ed: Here are the new emoticons Facebook really needs

Facebook's "like" button is getting some company, as the firm rolls out alternatives worldwide.

Facebook’s “like” button is getting some company, as the firm rolls out alternatives worldwide.

(Mary Altaffer / Associated Press)

Facebook has rolled out the first wave of new “reaction” buttons to enable users to more accurately express how they feel about posts. In addition to the classic “like” thumbs-up, users can now tap on “love,” “haha,” “wow,” “sad” or “angry” emoticons. Here are suggestions for Phase 2:

1. You could have texted, I would have come out.

2. Don’t you remember? I was the one who told you about that restaurant in the first place.

3. You’re excellent at capturing the mood of your plated dinner.

4. Very uplifting sentiment in this inspirational quote, and nice use of watercolors, but you spelled “enlightenment” wrong.


5. Is your dog posting these? (This appears after two or more consecutive animal pictures).

6. I had no idea you spent this much time carving citrus into flowers.

7. This is a lot of words in one place.

8. Whoa! I can’t believe I’ve known you this long and didn’t realize your political views.

9. Good luck with this marriage, catch you on the other side.

10. See, I told you I’m not racist.

11. This was probably more fun at the time than it looks now.

12. Wearing aviators and crossing your arms doesn’t make you Joan Didion.

Debra A. Klein is a late adopter to Facebook. Follow her @IWishIHadTyped.

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