
Letters: Locking up a child

Re “Boy who killed neo-Nazi dad poses challenge,” Oct. 26

Of course there’s conflict and confusion about what to do with the Riverside County boy who killed his neo-Nazi father. The process has been flawed from the beginning.

Only 10 years old when he acted, his lawyers say the boy had been abused by a father consumed with vitriolic hatred. Child Protective Services had contact with the boy or his family 23 times yet failed to intervene effectively.

As a psychologist contracted by the boy’s attorney’s testified, “You could have predicted” the shooting.


A compassionate society would have placed the boy in a secure treatment facility after the shooting. Instead, he was pushed into the criminal justice system and taken to court in chains.

This kid has already served a punitive 10-year sentence at the hands of his father. More punishment is not what he needs.

Sarah S. Forth

Los Angeles


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