
Letters: Open up Yosemite -- and the rest of government

Re “Yosemite closure a blow to U.S. image,” Oct. 3

Although I appreciate the words by my congressman, Tom McClintock (R-Elk Grove), on the House floor last week about the importance of Yosemite National Park to our local economy, words are not enough. We need action. We need leadership.

As a small-business owner dependent on tourism from Yosemite, I cannot sit idly by and allow politics to ruin my business and the lives of my employees. Whether you agree or disagree with Obamacare, this should not be on the table when discussing the government shutdown. Republicans need to put political gamesmanship aside and fund the federal government.

Our community is suffering without this beautiful park open, but a patchwork fix is not the answer. Open the entire government and the vital services that help our economy and fellow Americans.


Douglas Shaw

Midpines, Calif.

Exactly what is the point of shutting open-air displays in Washington? Wouldn’t it cost more to set up barricades than to simply leave these monuments in their original state (open and free)?

And why do we need to shut down national parks? Why not allow the public to simply come and go? If you have ever been to a remote camping or wilderness area, then you already know there are “honor” boxes to collect fees and that people pack up their own supplies and trash.

If that’s not enough, then why not involve volunteer organizations like the Boy Scouts to help clean these areas? I imagine volunteers would love a chance to serve in the Yosemite Valley. The surrounding business communities would benefit too.


This whole situation is ridiculous and is the result of political posturing on both sides of the aisle.

David Bjorklund

San Clemente


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