
Letters: On Cruz control

Re “GOP senator digs in heels,” Sept. 25

While on the surface Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appears to be a loose cannon in acting out his contemptuous agenda against the Affordable Care Act, one must admire his insane rants and deeds for what they illustrate.

Cruz is the new face of the tea party, and he will be a constant reminder of just how out of touch with reality he and his backers really are. One can only hope that Cruz continues his inane march to the point that even the most low-information voters see fit to dump both him and the party that so vehemently supports nothing for the middle class and everything for the wealthy.

Keep up the good work, Sen. Cruz.

Jack Kenna


It needs to be made clear that House Republicans voted to fund the entire federal government, with the exception of Obamacare, and Senate Democrats have rejected that package.


If anyone shuts down the government, it will be Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and his fellow Democrats, who insist on implementing Obamacare in a country that doesn’t like the law, even at the expense of shutting down the government.

You cannot spin this budget crisis to make the Democrats look like angels.

Jennifer Marks

Laguna Woods

Cruz’s quixotic “filibuster” against Obamacare reminded me of this classic movie soliloquy: “I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture.”

My apologies to “Animal House,” whose Deltas had a better grip on reality than today’s tea partiers.


Kevin Powell

Long Beach


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