Letters to the Editor: Hamas, not Israel, is responsible for whatever happens in Rafah

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To the editor: You published an editorial that says, “The U.S. cannot let Israel carry out a slaughter in Rafah.”
You should have said this: Hamas cannot allow Israel to carry out a slaughter in Rafah, and its fighters should lay down their arms and save their own civilian population.
Where is the call for Hamas to lay down its arms, unconditionally surrender and put a stop to the devastation it has brought to the people in the Gaza Strip?
Rather than asking Israel to capitulate and suspend its response to the Oct. 7 attack, isn’t it time for Hamas to step up for the sake of its own population?
Alan Rubenstein, Encino
To the editor: May I suggest that the U.S. government immediately send three or four U.S. military hospital units into Rafah?
Military hospital units are entirely self-contained and require no local infrastructure in order to provide vital medical care. These could be spread sufficiently apart that a large number of Palestinians can set their tents close by.
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not willing to listen to any friendly advice, I doubt that he would be insane enough to risk accidentally striking American military personnel.
Then, the U.S. can be seen as a champion of healing, not death and destruction.
Hugh G. Watts, Glendale
To the editor: I agree 100% with this editorial. The question is, what should American voters do in the upcoming primary and general elections when President Biden does not stop funding Israel and continues to deny funding to the United Nations body that serves Palestinians?
You have editorial endorsements for other candidates on the ballot. You need to print an opinion on Biden also.
Sue Nash, Los Angeles