Letters to the Editor: Alabama’s frozen embryo ruling previews a possible theocratic future

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To the editor: The Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling that frozen embryos are actual children is a harbinger of things to come if former President Trump prevails in November.
There has always been a desire for religious zealots to dictate everyday life in America to one degree or another. But, the resurgence of this movement seems to be making headway: The Heritage Foundation’s little-known Project 2025 (look it up) and other efforts by organizations promoting Christian nationalism are well established and ready for implementation.
Hopefully, a somnolent American electorate will awaken by November and thwart this attempt to deliver a dystopian, theocratic society.
Jack Vangrow, Corona del Mar
To the editor: Perhaps now that Alabama’s Supreme Court, under Chief Justice Tom Parker, has determined that the moment a human egg is fertilized it is a “child,” it will cite and indict God as the greatest child killer of all.
The evidence is overwhelming for those true believers who are certain of the Lord’s omnipotence. Between 10% and 20% of known pregnancies abort on their own. An Israeli study showed that among more than 53,000 women capable of pregnancy, 43% reported having had one or more spontaneous abortions during their reproductive lives.
That adds up to a lot of dead “children.”
Surely theocratic consistency, exemplified by the bravery already shown by the Alabama Supreme Court, demands justice be done. I look forward to reports of the state taking action against the culpable party.
SH Kardener, Santa Monica
To the editor: My current taxpayer filing status as a single person with no children could change to head of household with 10 dependents. Please advise on the amount to change on my withholding form.
Diana Lee Carey, Westminster