Letters to the Editor: It should be hard to renew a driver’s license. Sorry, seniors

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To the editor: As a 67-year-old, I cringed reading the cluster of letters from my fellow seniors reacting to Steve Lopez’s column on the test seniors must take to renew their driver licenses. Wah, wah, wah.
I currently attend college. Modern testing has changed, and it’s a challenge to adapt. Please note the current DMV testing allows a retest.
It should be somewhat difficult to get a driver’s license. One should be familiar with common and obscure laws. Let’s remember the potential danger of a large, fast-moving car.
Age-related skill erosion is inevitable — it’s life. Perhaps it’s not that darn test that’s the problem, but the face we all see in the mirror.
Food for thought for my peers: There’s an absolutely valid reason we don’t have 80- year-olds as commercial airline pilots.
Mark Diniakos, Thousand Oaks