
Letters: Keep the Ballona Wetlands wild

Re “Nature’s classroom planned,” Jan. 28

Building a center for education in the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve, which sits between Marina del Rey and Westchester, is reminiscent of the U.S. military official during the Vietnam War who told Associated Press reporter Peter Arnett, “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.”

What’s left of the Ballona Wetlands should be restored, not bulldozed.

Frances Longmire

Los Angeles

The Annenberg Foundation’s proposed museum does not belong in an environmentally sensitive area. Almost all of the original wetlands in Los Angeles County are gone. This land needs to be restored to provide habitat for wildlife, which also benefits humans.


Elsewhere, habitat restoration has succeeded in causing wildlife to flourish once again and providing places for recreation. People find peace in these pristine areas.

The Annenberg Foundation could easily afford to buy property elsewhere for its nature center.

David Berman



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