
Letters: A balloon and little else

Re “Irvine council tightens oversight of Great Park,” Jan. 10

Sanity has finally returned to Irvine. City Councilman Larry Agran is no longer the puppet master over the Irvine City Council in general and the Orange County Great Park in particular.

The $220 million spent so far should have resulted in a significant park. As suggested by Todd Spitzer, an Orange County supervisor, what we have to show for that $220 million is “a palm court, a merry-go-round and a balloon.”


And frankly, I am sick of that odious orange balloon.

Sonja Robinson


In the 1990s, the mayor and City Council of Irvine led the charge against an airport at the site of the Great Park. They convinced a majority of voters that there would be too much flight noise and that the park would be a huge benefit to all. Now we have a park with an orange balloon.

The mayor and the City Council are now trying to gain more control over the park. “Scam” may be too strong of a word to describe this situation, but “power grab” isn’t.

Arthur Friedman

Newport Beach


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