
Letters: The resources teachers need to succeed

Re “Pushing back on test scores,” Column, Sept. 22

Though I was glad to see Sandy Banks describe some of the constraints teachers face, I sensed her attitude was that, because there are “reams of research” proving teachers should be on the line for success or failure, teachers should stop whining about the myriad uncontrollable factors determining a student’s ability to learn and “talk about something else.”

Like what? Class size, inadequate supplies, administrative lethargy or lock-step curriculum requirements?


If every child deserves a good teacher, and the expectation is that every teacher should be charismatic, dedicated and tireless, then it should be up to administrators, parents and the students themselves to make sure the classroom has the optimum environment for learning. How common is this?

If there are schools that are helping disadvantaged students excel, why not implement those strategies in all schools before making across-the-board judgments?

Marty Wilson



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