Sandra Hernandez

How did the Unabomber update his Harvard alumni status?

It seems that Theodore Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, couldn’t pass up the opportunity to let his former classmates at Harvard College know just what he’s up to these days. Associated Press reported that in an alumni directory, Kaczynski lists his occupation as “prisoner” and under awards lists “eight life sentences.”

He is indeed serving a life sentence at the supermax prison in Florence, Colo., for killing three people during his bombing spree in which he mailed bombs to universities around the nation. It took authorities more than a decade to capture him. He was arrested after his brother alerted the FBI.

A Harvard spokesman told AP that the university confirmed the information came from Kaczynski, who graduated from Harvard College in 1962, but doesn’t say how he provided the information. Nor does it say whether his update will be included in the reports or “red books,” provided to each reunion class, and which are filled with people’s confessionals about their sorrow and joys.


But it might be safe to guess that Kaczynski, who holds a doctorate in mathematics, probably didn’t use the Internet to send his missive just in time for his 50th class reunion this week. After all, it was his belief that the Industrial Revolution and what followed have hurt, not helped, humans. He wrote a 50-page essay on a typewriter explaining just how damaging he believed it has been and outlined a call for revolution.


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