
Letters: Miramonte’s other victims

Re “Displaced Miramonte staff share hurt, anger,” May 4

As a teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District adult division, I can accept having classes interrupted twice this year for a child-abuse awareness workshop. What I fail to grasp is the necessity of removing dozens of innocent teachers from their classrooms at Miramonte Elementary School and isolating them at another site.

The warped logic of Supt. John Deasy purports to show that the district is concerned about the safety of its children. But all it does is criminalize educators who shared the same hallways, lunchroom and parking lot with the alleged perpetrator.


Aren’t there enough victims already?

Linda Mothner

Culver City

Once again, professional educators are the victims/heroes. All of them are mandated reporters, yet none of them saw a need to protect children. Now they’re part of professional education’s standard solutions to such interruptions to their perpetual underperforming outcomes — and find themselves being “moved” as a solution.

These teachers are not the first group of “suffering professionals” to be perceived as harboring child predators. They will not lose their jobs.

Their removal from Miramonte is just temporary and meant to convey the “toughness” that their leaders must show to maintain their own employment and the status quo. It seems that their real hurt is that they are being treated the way parents and families are normally treated in the educational arena.


It might relieve their suffering if they understood that this is business as usual.

Kalem Aquil

Long Beach
