
Letters: Occupy Seattle’s misfire

Protesters break windows of downtown Seattle businesses during a May Day rally Tuesday.
(Joshua Trujillo / Associated Press)

Re “Vandals lash out in Seattle,” May 2

Kudos to Occupy Seattle for smashing windows at an American Apparel store. This U.S.-based company keeps its manufacturing in the country (Los Angeles, to be exact), creating thousands of U.S. retail and manufacturing jobs. It struggles for a profit.

The protesters also targeted Starbucks, a U.S.-based company with several coffee bean roasting plants across the country. It plans on building a new plant in Georgia and reactivating a once-dormant factory in Ohio to make mugs. Starbucks provides jobs to tens of thousands of American workers.


Great work, Occupy Seattle. Way to gain respect.

Clark Woodford

Los Angeles


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