
Letters: Scouting’s abuse scandal

Re “Scouts employ aggressive tactics in abuse defense,” Dec. 25

I was an assistant Cub Scout den leader in the early 1990s. I was required to participate in training that was all about protecting the boys from any sort of abuse.

As I recall, we were instructed to be sure that boys were never left alone with only one adult; there were always supposed to be at least two.


Maryly Cushingham

The Roman Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts have long fought public exposure of their pedophile scandals, at the expense of future victims’ safety.

It’s as if such institutions feel they are too divine and important to admit to organizational failings. But by sanctimoniously striving to conceal their warts rather than to do what’s right, these institutions have revealed a most unseemly trait: rank hypocrisy.

Gary Dolgin
Santa Monica

If everyone lived by following the Scout oath and obeying Scout law, the world would be a wonderful place.


The Times has decided to wage war on the Boy Scouts of America — shame on you. Why don’t you spend time waging war on the criminal youth gangs that infest the formerly great city of Los Angeles?

The Boy Scouts is not killing people in L.A.; the gangs are. Your war on the Scouts makes me totally disgusted with The Times.

Charles W. Jenner
Los Alamitos

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