
Letters: Firing teachers

Re “The pink-slip shuffle,” Opinion, Dec. 16

Why doesn’t Bhavini Bhakta argue against all teacher layoffs?

Now that voters have passed Proposition 30, the time is right for unionized teachers and districts to collaborate and regain control of the budgets that have been crippled by years of cuts. Bhakta recycles the pro-charter, anti-union boilerplate that fractures unions but does little to improve funding.

Energy is wasted obsessing over the elusive, tenured boogeyman allegedly destroying our children’s futures. Of course Bhakta wants the torch passed to younger educators: new teachers earn less, work longer hours and refrain from asserting contractual rights. They’re also more likely to quit before they master their craft.


What schools need is a mix of educators in different phases of their careers, a goal that the “last in, first out” seniority system supports.

Now is the time for restoration of consistency in school funding, not scapegoating.

Brian Pfeffer

Los Angeles


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