
Letters: Fixing Social Security

Re “Fix Social Security, now,” Editorial, April 25

It’s hard to take this editorial seriously because it fails to talk about the Social Security payroll tax holiday enacted in 2010. If you want to fix Social Security, the first thing you need to look at is rolling back this tax break. With every extension of the payroll tax holiday, the prospect that Congress will ever restore the tax to its statutory 6.2% of covered income becomes increasingly remote.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this is the tax that funds Social Security, so it should be no surprise that Social Security will run into trouble if we don’t pay it in full.


Steve Stillman

Redondo Beach

The trustees for Social Security and Medicare on Monday warned that unless these programs are reformed and placed on a firm fiscal foundation, Social Security will be unable to pay full benefits after 2033 and Medicare’s hospital fund will run in the red starting in 2024.

Still, irresponsible Democrats insist that these programs can continue in their current form. Portraying themselves as defenders of entitlements, they promise unsustainable benefits and thereby obtain the votes of gullible people. These politicians don’t care if they are driving these programs off a cliff.

Voters must demand the truth. Promising

unending benefits that aren’t fully paid for is an election scam.

Jennifer Marks

Laguna Woods
