
An unprincipled move

Re “Sen. Arlen Specter switches parties,” April 29

Sen. Arlen Specter is becoming a Democrat because he can only win reelection as a Democrat.

Wow. Talk about raw moral courage. Remember John F. Kennedy’s book, “Profiles in Courage”? It was about senators Kennedy admired because they did what they thought was right -- no matter the cost. Maybe somebody should send a copy to Specter.

Most of the Democrats I know are Democrats because they agree with the positions of the Democratic Party. Not Specter. Belief, conviction, ideals be damned. His party affiliation is based strictly on whatever advances his political power.


At least he’s honest (or stupid) enough to admit he’s unprincipled.

Mitchell Harris

La Verne

Re “Republicans debate impact of Specter’s defection,” April 30

The Republican bile stirred by Specter’s crossing over to the Democrats is silly. Those Republicans who say it’s good because it moves the party closer to purity understand neither the nature of politics nor the nature of purity.

Democracy requires compromise, which purity cannot abide. The 20th century should have taught us that purity and ideology are dangerous bedfellows -- regardless of where they arise on the political spectrum.

R.J. Rabenau

