
Letters: An atheist’s Christmas spirit

In Sacramento, the state Capitol Christmas tree from 10,000 ultra-low watt LED lights.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

Re “Christmas is for everyone,” Column, Dec. 24

George Skelton’s late wife, Nereida, had to have been one of the most Christian non-Christians in this country, exhibiting a grand tolerance for all religions while practicing none — except for a very clear spirituality that only very special people can appreciate. Her particular joy for Christmas celebrations and traditions betrayed, in some respects, an announced atheism, for if godliness does not encompass such rare, selfless caring, what does it encompass?

Especially during these days of political correctness, in which the word “Christmas” is replaced by the generic “holiday,” Skelton’s shared memories were truly inspiring to those of us who feel much but say little.


Paul J. Zalesky

Huntington Beach


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