
Letters: Downtown’s charter school success story

Re “Downtown charter a dream,” Column, Oct. 23

South Park resident Mike McGalliard is quoted as saying of downtown elementary schools that their performance “has been frighteningly poor.” I’ve been reassured by McGalliard that his remarks were not directed at our charter school, and with good reason.

With an Academic Performance Index score of 773, a statistic recently released by the state, the Para Los Niños Charter Elementary School posted a gain of 5% over last year and also significantly beat the goal established by the state. The Para Los Niños Charter Middle School’s API score was 795. Our approach, which combines high-quality education with mental health and other support services for children and their families, is the reason.


It’s true that most of the students at Para Los Niños are socioeconomically disadvantaged, and many are not native English-language speakers. We are proud that our program helps those children overcome those barriers to success.

Martine Singer

Los Angeles

The writer is president and chief executive of Para Los Niños.


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