
Letters: Don’t drink liquid candy

Re “Soda giants’ machines to post calorie counts,” Business, Oct. 9

The so-called Western diet that has been invented mainly in America and is now spreading worldwide is responsible for declining health, including increased rates of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Soft drinks are nothing more than liquid candy. Established guidelines from reliable sources recommend diets having a foundation of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and various other foods, including nuts and some fish. Soda isn’t a part of a healthy diet.


Putting calorie listings on soda machines may look like a sincere effort by big companies to help inform and protect people. But it is likely that it will protect health about as much as putting filters on cigarettes. Educators and health professionals should encourage people to avoid soda.

Taxing unhealthful products seems like a wise thing to do. It helps in the cases of alcohol and tobacco, and it would do the same for soda.

Stephen V. Hymowitz

Los Angeles


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