
Letters: Enough of Baca

Re “Baca facing hardest test of career,” Sept. 17

I once viewed Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca as an intelligent police professional. No longer.

The explanation by investigators for Baca’s failure to resolve the jail violence problem is that he was a bit too disengaged and uninformed.


He is a busy man who runs a huge department, and I might be inclined to give him some slack based on that argument. But as The Times points out, not long ago he was able to find time for “launching ‘special’ criminal investigations on behalf of two contributors.” So his problem is not so much a lack of time as it is poor choices about what is important.

Baca has been sheriff long enough. We need someone who sets a rigorously upright and ethical example for those under his command so they will know better than to expect misconduct to be ignored.

John A. Brock

Los Angeles


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