
Letters: Lights out for Edison customers

Re “Senator tells Edison to fix blackouts,” Sept. 17

Cheers to state Sen. Ted Lieu (D-Torrance) for his work in making Southern California Edison aware of its responsibilities to its customers.

Thinking back on my experience with utility service failures, a better solution to the problem of making utilities like Edison responsible might be to require the company to give deep discounts to customers affected by “massive, recurring and unacceptable power outages,” as Lieu called them.

Consider this: Such a reduction would help the customers most harmed by these outages. It would stimulate the South Bay economy, where a widespread blackout last weekend affected nearly 100,000 residents. In addition, it would give the company a powerful incentive to engage in new construction and maintenance efforts.


Regardless, I applaud Lieu for his efforts to hold utilities accountable. Consumers need this help.

J.F. DaVanzo

Long Beach


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