
Letters: The rise -- and fall -- of the U.S.

Re “The Putin Doctrine,” Opinion, Sept. 12

Russian President Vladimir Putin needn’t waste his time tearing down the United States. We’re doing a good job of it ourselves.

With a dysfunctional Congress, a crushing national debt, an indecisive president and a citizenry obsessed with Miley Cyrus’ twerking, Putin can sit back and watch this country implode on a daily basis. The erosion of American predominance has been years in the making.

Putin firmly believes that this country is in decline, and there are plenty of people right here who agree with him. All of this bodes badly for any future American endeavors on the international level. Even our staunch ally Britain is reluctant to follow us on a limited scale to prevent the use of chemical weapons in Syria.


It’s time to assess how far the U.S. has fallen in the world’s eyes and do something about it.

Charles Reilly

Manhattan Beach


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