
Letters: Take away this tax exemption

Re “Politics and the pulpit,” Editorial, Sept. 8

How is this for an idea not only to remove politics from the pulpit but to do away with all IRS deductions for charity: Eliminate all 503(c)(3) deductions, period.

You want to contribute to a favorite charity? Do it, but without the incentive of a tax deduction, which after all raises some questions about how committed you are to the cause. Consequently, a whole bunch of IRS agents wouldn’t have to monitor these deductions. And look how it would simplify your tax return.

You say you run a charity and that such a move could cause devastating losses in your budget? How about developing a business plan that assesses what your service is worth and then find the people who will support it?


There would be no more 1st Amendment questions because everyone would be free to express themselves exactly as they wish — and with money.

Jack Drake

Redondo Beach

It’s a bit naive to say that preachers who pitch “an appeal to vote for or against a specific candidate” might risk revocation of their churches’ tax exemption. Truth be told, only the most careless of vote-soliciting clergy need worry.

In their pulpits, savvy preachers follow a simple script: Engage the congregation on a suitably polarizing issue (abortion rights, for example). Explain how God views that issue. Then relate each candidate’s position. Conclude by encouraging all congregants to vote for whomever they choose (wink, wink) based on their values and the candidates’ platforms.


Such artful ecclesiastic entreaties don’t provoke IRS censure, but they do get congregants to vote according to the church’s preferences. There’s no problem under existing law getting God’s will done at the polls.

Gloria Martel

Los Angeles


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