
Letters: Clinton stirs the Democrats

Re “Clinton lends aura,” Sept. 6

Aura is just what it was as former President Clinton brought hope and inspiration to the table. While the Republicans’ convention seemed locked in tearing down the opposition, the Democrats’ convention has yielded a breath of fresh air and has gone straight to the heart with the monumental challenges and some potential light in the tunnel of economic doldrums facing our nation. Clinton’s was a feel-good speech and direly needed.

At a time when I was seriously nervous about the coming election, Clinton leveled the playing field and gave a sense of calm that I hope millions out there connected with. The conventions could not have been more dissimilar.


Ronald L. Wallace

Sherman Oaks

What a great speech by Clinton; what a charmer. But like a used-car salesman’s pitch, it was filled with twisted facts.

Clinton correctly stated that we have to choose between a government of shared stuff or a government of do-it-yourself, or free enterprise. Indirectly acknowledging the country is in terrible shape, he ended stating that America has always come back.

Right you are, Mr. President, but it is the free-enterprise system that has always brought us back.


Dave Connell

Laguna Beach


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